Aptify Views with Aptify Services API
The Aptify Views endpoint executes an Aptify View by Name (recommended) or ID, and provides the results in the response. Views are created in the Aptify interface and can be made available to the Aptify Views service endpoint. The Aptify Views endpoint uses the GET action.
In order to receive View data, you must send the AptifyAuthorization header.
Header Name | Header Value |
AptifyAuthorization | <Authentication Provider> <TokenId> |
Parameter | Query Parameter | Description | Example |
viewId | No | Id of view. | 44 |
Type | Yes | Type of View request: map,ftp,dbp,drilldown,multientitygrid,viewbyname,hierarchy,view or calender. | Viewbyname |
ViewName | Yes | Name of the View.Used when Type is viewbyname. | AllEvents |
viewEntityName | Yes | Name of the Entity that the View is attached to.For viewbyname, both the view and ViewEntityName are used to determine the View to execute. | Meetings |
Filter | Yes | Additional condition for view. Syntax is similar as SQL WHERE clause. | FirstName=’John’ AND Last Name=’Doe’ |
PROMPTDATA | Yes | Pipe-delimited field names and values for prompted views. | FirstName=’John’| LastName=’Doe’ |
$top | Yes | Maximum number of rows returned (up to 500). | 5 |
$skip | Yes | No. of rows to leave out of result. (Default is 0). | 5 |
Parameters for Type =viewbyname
Record IDs can differ across different Aptify databases (Development, Test and Production) while Names stay the same. For this reason, using viewbyname Type is the preferred method in most cases.
Tabular View data is represented as JSON array of JSON Objects, where each object contains row data. The Object properties will be column of view and there for vary from view to view.
https://<service base>/AptifyViews?Type=viewbyname&viewname=AllEvents&viewentityname=Meetings&PromptData=2
{ count: "2" columnwidthresize: "FALSE" result: { ID: 1 MeetingID: 1 ProductID_Name: "Meeting Product 1" StartDate: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" EndDate: " YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" row_number: 1 } { ID: 2 MeetingID: 2 ProductID_Name: "Meeting Product 2" StartDate: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" EndDate: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" row_number: 2 } }
The row data object will always include the ID and row_number properties. Other properties will be available based on the Fields that are included in the View. ID represents the Record Id and row_number is the rows position in the View results, starting with the number 1.
{ count: "0" columnwidthresize: "FALSE" result: [] }
HTTP Status Codes
Status Code | Meaning |
200 | OK; View data in response body |
404 | Not Authenticated |
Example: Retrieving All Member Types
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The following example shows the syntax for retrieving all member types: