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Save Single Record Using SaveData Endpoint

SaveData end point allows you to create, update or save a single record in Aptify. The POST action is used for the data modification operations. 


In order to save and receive entity record, the AptifyAuthorization header is required along with <TokenId> generated after Authentication Process..

Header NameHeader Value
AptifyAuthorization<Authentication Provider> <TokenId>

Endpoint Example

https://<base address>/services/BasicGenericEntity/SaveData/{id}


  • Data: Json data to be save along with Entity Name and ID, if have Sub type then its should be under SubType Tag along with Name as root.
  • Id: Optional value need to pass any integer value, this value is not related to data.

Non-SubType Record

Sample Request Body for Non-SubType Record
  ID: -1,
  EntityName: "Groups",
  Name: "Data Savers" 

Data returned has a valid ID value, indicating that you successfully saved a new group.Note the ID of the group you created.In this case ID is 1038.


Sample Response Body for Non-SubType Record
	 "ID": 1038,
  	 "EntityName": "Groups",
	 "Name": "Data Savers",
	 "Description": "",
  	 "Subtypes": [ ]


Single SubType Record

Sample Request Body for Single SubType Record
  	ID: <Group ID>,
	EntityName: "Groups",
	[ {
		ID: -1, 
		EntityName: "GroupMembers", 
		UserID: <User ID>
	} ] 
Sample Response Body for Single SubType Record
	"id": <Group ID>,
	"entityname": "Groups",
	"name": "Data Savers",
	"description": "",
	"subtypes": [{ 
	"id": <ID>,
	"entityname": "GroupMembers",
	"groupid": <Group ID>,
	"sequence": 1,
	"userid": <User ID>,
	"userid_name": <User ID Name>,
	"aptify_record_version": "system.byte[]"


Multiple SubType Records


Sample Request Body for Multiple SubType Records
	  ID: <Group ID>,
	  EntityName: "Groups",
	  SubTypes: [
		ID: -1,
		EntityName: "GroupMembers", 
		UserID: <User ID 1> 
		ID: -1,
		EntityName: "GroupMembers",
		UserID: <User ID 2> 
] }
Sample Response Body for Multiple SubType Records
	"id": <Group ID>,
	"entityname": "Groups",
	"name": "Data Savers",
	"description": "",
	"subtypes": [{ 
	"id": <ID>,
	"entityname": "GroupMembers",
	"groupid":  <Group ID>,
	"sequence": 1,
	"userid": <User ID 1>,
	"userid_name": <User ID1 Name>,
	"aptify_record_version": "system.byte[]"
	"id": <ID>,
	"entityname": "GroupMembers",
	"groupid":  <Group ID>,
	"sequence": 2,
	"userid": <User ID 2>,
	"userid_name": <User ID2 Name>,
	"aptify_record_version": "system.byte[]"	



HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeMeaning
200OK; View data in response body
404Not Found or Not Authenticated

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