Associating Vendors with Products
Associating Vendors with Products
Vendors who supply the product can be tracked on the Vendors tab of the Products form.
Follow these steps to record a product's vendors:
- Open the Products record, if not already open.
- Click the Inventory > Vendors tab.
- Specify the primary vendor for the product in the Primary Vendor field.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service. The vendor needs a Companies record before it can associated with a Products record.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service. The vendor needs a Companies record before it can associated with a Products record.
- Specify the product's original manufacturer in the Manufacturer field.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service.
- Click the New icon in the toolbar to open a new Vendors sub-type record.
- Specify the primary vendor in the VendorID field.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service.
- This field links to a record in the Companies service.
- Enter the contact person with the vendor company in the Contact field.
- This field links to the Persons service.
- This field links to the Persons service.
- Enter other optional data as listed on the Vendors form.
- See About the Vendors Form for Products for information on the other fields found on this form.
- See About the Vendors Form for Products for information on the other fields found on this form.
- Click OK to save and close the Vendors record.
- If the organization works with other vendors who supply this product, create additional Vendors records for these companies.
- Save the Products record.
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