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About the Ship Order Process

Changing an order's status to Shipped starts several processes within Aptify, including:

  • Reduces Inventory Levels: For products that have tracked inventory, Aptify moves the number of units that ship from the Quantity Reserved field to the Quantity Shipped field. Also, the system reduces the product's Quantity On Hand accordingly.
  • Generates GL Entries: Aptify automatically generates the appropriate General Ledger (GL) entries when an order is shipped. See About Orders and GL Accounts for details.
  • Creates Scheduled Transaction Group: Aptify automatically creates a Scheduled Transaction Group, if necessary, to record deferred income GL transactions. See About Scheduled Transactions and GL Accounts for details.
  • Generates Subscription: If an order contains one or more subscription products, Aptify automatically generates the corresponding Subscriptions records when an order ships. See Managing Subscriptions and Membership Dues for more information.

Also, when an order's Order Status is saved as Shipped, Aptify prevents any changes to the financial integrity of the order and the following information can no longer be modified:

  • Order Lines: A user can not add or remove order lines from the order. Also, a user cannot change an order line's price, quantity, or Ship To location. Note that prior to shipping the order, a user can specify a different inventory location for the item if different from the one displayed by default. The location can also be changed in the Partial Shipment dialog, see Specifying an Inventory Location When Shipping an Order for more information.
  • Ship To Information: A user cannot modify the Ship To person, company, or address. However, when an order is shipped, the Billing Same As Shipping check box remains available to allow a user to modify the Bill To address or phone number as appropriate.
  • Bill To Information: A user cannot modify the Bill To person or company. However, when an order is shipped, the Billing Same As Shipping check box remains available to allow a user to modify the Bill To address or phone number as appropriate.
  • Taken By: A user cannot specify a different employee in this field.
  • Organization: A user cannot modify the order's organization.
  • Campaign: An order cannot be associated with or removed from a campaign once it has shipped.
  • Order Status: Once set to Shipped, this field becomes read-only and can no longer be modified.
  • Order Level: Once set to Shipped, this field becomes read-only and can no longer be modified.
  • Date Shipped: If blank at the time the order shipped, Aptify automatically inserts the current date and time in this field. This field cannot be modified after the order has been saved as shipped.
  • GL Entries: The Order Entry system generates the corresponding General Ledger (GL) entries for this order during the shipping process. Once an order has been saved as shipped, a user cannot modify the generated GL entries.

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