About the Order Entry User Subscribed Applications
The Order Entry User profile is subscribed to two applications by default: Order Entry and Customers. Each application has its own dashboard that provides access to information that is important to an organization's order entry users.
Order Entry Application
The Order Entry user subscribes to the Orders and Payments services by default in the Order Entry application. Note that a user can add or remove services as necessary using the Application Services dialog. (See Adding and Removing Services for details.)
The dashboard for the Order Entry application includes the following elements from top to bottom:
- Products Sold Today: A chart view that displays the number of units of each product that have been sold today.
- Orders Over the Last 30 Days: A list view of Orders that have been created over the past 30 days (based on Order Date).
- Payments Over the Last 30 Days: A list view of Payments that have been recorded over the past 30 days (based on Payment Date).
Customers Application
The Order Entry user subscribes to the Companies, Persons, and Contact Log services by default in the Order Entry application. Note that a user can add or remove services as necessary using the Application Services dialog. (See Adding and Removing Services for details.)
The dashboard for the Customers application includes the following elements from top to bottom:
- People Who Have Placed an Order in the Last 90 Days: A list view that displays all people who have appeared as the Bill To person on an order over the past 90 days.
- Companies That Have Placed an Order in the Last 90 Days: A list view that displays all companies that have appeared as the Bill To Company on an order over the past 90 days.
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