Using the Bulk Inventory Transfer Wizard

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Using the Bulk Inventory Transfer Wizard

Another way to transfer inventory between locations is to run the Product Inventory Transfer wizard from the Products service. The wizard allows the user to transfer inventory for more than one product at a time. All products and their inventory locations can be evaluated at the same time when transferring inventory with the wizard.

The wizard allows the user to readily identify which locations need inventory without opening each Products record to determine if the quantity on hand for a warehouse is below the replenish level. The wizard creates two new Product Inventory Ledger Entries (PILE) records for each transaction to document the transfer.

Follow these steps to run the wizard:

  1. Open or create a view of the Products service that contains the products whose inventory you want to review.
    • If you run the wizard from a view, the wizard evaluates only the products in the view. If you run the wizard from the Products service browser, the wizard evaluates all products.

  2. Click the Bulk Inventory Transfer Wizard icon in the toolbar to launch the wizard.

    Bulk Inventory Transfer -Wizard
  3. Select a viewing option for the product location.
    • By default, the Show Locations where the Quantity Available < Product Min. Stock Level option is selected. In this case, the wizard displays only the inventory locations for the products in the view that have a Quantity Available that is less than the product's Minimum Stock level (as specified on the Products record's Inventory > General sub-tab).
    • Select the Show All Locations option to display all inventory locations for all of the products in the view.

    • The wizard displays the following information for each location:
      • ID: The Inventory Location ID.
      • Name: Inventory Location's name.
      • Product: The product stored in the location.
      • On Hand: The number of units currently on hand of the product at the specified location.
      • Reserved: The number of units of the product that are reserved for pending shipment at the specified location.
      • Min. Stock: The product's minimum stock level. This value is defined on the Products record's Inventory > General sub-tab.
      • Re-Order Qty: The product's re-order quantity. This value is defined on the Products record's Inventory > General sub-tab.

        Select Locations to Replenish
  4. Select one or more inventory locations to which you want to move inventory.
    • To select all of the displayed locations, click the Select All button.
    • To remove your current selections, click the Deselect All button.
    • To select multiple locations, hold down the CTRL key.

  5. Click Next to continue.

  6. If necessary, modify the default Re-Order Qty for each location to specify the actual number of units you want to transfer to this location.
    • If you changed one or more quantities and want to revert to the original default value, click the Reset Quantities button.

  7. For each destination location, double-click within the Source column to display a drop-down list of available source locations. Select a transfer source from the list.
    • The wizard displays the following information for each possible source location:
      • ID: The Inventory Location ID.
      • Name: The name of the inventory location.
      • Available: The Quantity Available for the product at that location. This is the Quantity On Hand minus the Quantity Reserved.
      • Reserved: The Quantity Reserved for the product at that location. This reflects units that have been ordered but not yet shipped.
      • OnHand: The Quantity On Hand for the product at that location.

        Enter Transfer Quantities and Source
  8. Click Next to continue.

  9. Click Finish to complete the transfer.
    • When the transfer process is finished, the wizard displays a confirmation of the transactions.
    • Click Print if you want to print out the confirmation message to your default printer.
    • Click Save if you want to save the confirmation message as a text file.

      Transfer Process Confirmation Message

  10. Click Finish to close the inventory transfer wizard.
    • For each location you selected, the wizard automatically creates two PILEs with Type set to Transfer: the entry for the source location is a negative quantity and the entry for the destination location is a positive quantity.
    • Note that the Unit Cost for the transfer is zero for both PILEs since this operation does not impact the cost of the units (the cost data from the initial Purchase PILE is still used by the system).

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