Tracking Phone and Voicemail Contacts

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Tracking Phone and Voicemail Contacts

Users can easily record Contact Log entries that track voicemail messages or track telephone conversations without having to open a Persons record. The Persons service's right-click context menu includes two options that automatically create a Contact Log record for a selected person.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create or open a Persons view that includes the person who you have contacted.
  2. Select the person in the view.
  3. Right-click the person's entry and select Person Options from the pop-up menu.
  4. Select one of the following:
    • Voice Mail: Select this option to create a Complete Contact Log record with the current date and time filled in and a description of Left Voice Mail for [person name/company]. Note that the Contact Log record does not open.
    • Record Phone Call...: Select this option to create and open an Incomplete Contact Log record with the current date and time filled in and a description of Talked to [person name]. The Contact Log record opens so that the user can record details of the conversation while on the phone with the person. 

    Person Options

  5. If you selected the Record Phone Call... option, enter any additional information in the Contact Log form, and Save and Close the record.

    For both options, Aptify automatically adds a Contact Log link for the selected Person and his/her Company (if applicable).


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