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Defining Full Text Based Filters for Views

The Aptify viewing system supports a wide range of filtering options, from the simple to the complex. Using full text indexes, users can further refine the number of records that appear within a view by creating full text search based filter statements. Follow the steps below to define full text index based filters for a view on a service that has been full text search enabled.

Note to Administrators

Full text searches require the creation of at least one index and the configuration of full text filters on each entity in which the full text search is to be available. See Configuring Full Text Searches in Aptify for more details.


  1. Open the View Properties dialog for a new or existing view.
    • For new views, right-click a service and select Create View from the pop-up menu.
    • For existing views, right-click within the view and select View Properties from the pop-up menu.

  2. Click the Filters tab.
    • Available full text search (with Type as Full Text Index) appears at the end of the Field list.

      Selecting a Full Text Index to Filter
  3. Select a full text index using one of the two following options:
    • Click the desired search field.
    • Use the down arrow to locate the search field, and press the Enter key.

  4. After selecting a full text index, the drop-down arrow in the Operator column activates.
    • The Operator column defines the type of match. The choices of operators are the following for fields of type Full Text Index:
      • Precise Text Search: The value of a least one of the fields in the full text index must contain the exact character or phrases entered in the filter statement's Value column.
      • Fuzzy Text Search: The value of a record's specified list of indexed fields must contain something similar to the character or phrases entered in the filter statement's Value column. For example, driven, drove and driven are inflectionally generated from the word drive. Performing a fuzzy text-search on the word drive, will displays records in the view all that contain all versions of the word.

  5. Enter characters or a phrase that the view will use as the basis of the full text filter in the Value column.
    • Full text searches can use special search values, supported values are listed below. For example, to search for records that include the word drive in close proximity to the word first in a particular field, enter First NEAR Drive in the Value field.
      • NEAR: Displays records that include a word or phrase in close proximity to a not her word in the filtered field.
      • AND: Restrictive; displays records that satisfy both words.
      • &: Same as the AND operator.
      • OR: Inclusive; displays records that satisfy either word.
      • |: Same as the OR operator.
      • NOT: Corresponds to records that do not match the word.
      • &!: Same as the NOT operator.
      • AND NOT: Same as the NOT operator.
    • Add additional filters as desired. Additional filters do not have to be of the full text filter based.

    Note Concerning Phrases and Quotes

    Phrases should be enclosed in double quotation marks. This ensures that the phrase is searched correctly (not as individual words). For example, the search term 111 Third Street would return matches on the phrase 111 Third Street, where the search term Third Street (without double quotes) would find a match on any text that included Third and Street anywhere in the text.

  6. Click OK to close the View Properties dialog and run the view.
    • The view filters the records in the service based on the full text index filter and any additional filters added to the view.

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