Mark All Templates for a Form as Non-Generated

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Mark All Templates for a Form as Non-Generated

If you modify a generated form, you should mark all Form Templates in that form's hierarchy as non-generated to prevent the system from inadvertently modifying your form template layout if the Baseline Form Template Generator later regenerates the entity's form due to a change in the Entities record.

In other words, there should not be a mix of non-generated and generated Form Templates. Once one of the Form Template records is marked as non-generated, all of its related Form Templates should be marked as non-generated. In addition, the Rank should be changed to be a lower number than the default. Changing the Rank ensures that the non-generated Form Template will take precedence over any generated Form Templates that are created in the future. See About the Form Template Hierarchy for a discussion of the types of Form Templates that typically make up a single form in Aptify.

Likewise, if you choose not to modify the standard form rather than create a copy (see Use a Wizard to Create Organization-Specific Copies of an Existing Form Template), you should also rename all of the form templates (such as by adding a prefix).

To identify a generated form template, look for the word Generated to the right of the template's Name field, as shown in the figure below. Note that the easiest way to mark a Form Template as non-generated is to modify its Description and save the record.

Generated Form Template

Aptify automatically adds Users and Groups specified at the entity level to the Security tab for generated Form Templates. If an entity uses a non-generated form and you add or remove users and groups from the entity's permission settings, then you need to manually update the Security settings on the Form Templates for that non-generated form. When working with a Form Template's Security tab, only the Read permission is applicable (that is, users and groups have access to the form if they have Read access).

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