Creating Surveys Using the Surveys Panel View

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Creating Surveys Using the Surveys Panel View

Starting in Aptify 5.5.3, the Surveys Panel View in the Aptify web interface can be used to create a survey. Perform the following steps to create a survey using the Surveys Panel View in the Aptify web interface:

  1. In the command toolbar in the Survey Management dashboard, click the New Survey button
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the survey.
  3. In the Capture Mode field, enter the method used to collect survey data.
  4. In the Status field, ensure that the value is Planning.
  5. In the command toolbar, click Save.
  6. Click Questions & Answers tab.
  7. Add the first question to the survey. 

    You can also add the first question by clicking the Add New button for the Root Survey Question field, and fill out the New Question Branch record. If you choose this approach, save your question and go to step 9.

    1. If you want to add a new question, click the Insert New button.
      1. In the Name field, enter a name for the question.
      2. In the Text field, enter the text of the question as it will appear in the survey.
      3. In the Survey Category field, enter the desired survey category.
      4. In the Question Type field, identify the format for the answers to the question
      5. In the Description field, enter a description of the question.
    2. If you want to add an existing question, click the Insert Existing button.

      1. In the Name field, search for the name of an existing question.
      2. Click Find to display the list of available questions.
      3. Click the desired question and click Select.
        • The questions associated with an existing question are added to the survey as well.
  8. Click Save as 1st to save this as the first question for the survey.

  9. Add answers to the question.

    1. In the Survey Structure panel of the Questions & Answer tab, click the question to which you want to add answers.

    2. In the Questions record, select Possible Answers from the drop-down list at the top of the record.
    3. Click New to open the Possible Answers record.
    4. In the Possible Answers field, enter a possible answer.
      1. If you want to add a new answer, click the Add New button.
        1. In the Text field, enter the text of the answer as it will appear in the survey.
        2. In the Survey Category field, enter the desired survey category.
        3. In the Description field, enter a description of the answer.
        4. Save the record. 
          • Click Save + New to save this record and open a new record for adding another answer to this question.
          • Click Save to save this record and keep it open.
          • Click Save + Close to save this record and return to the Possible Answers record.
      2. If you want to add an existing answer, search for the name of an existing answer in the Possible Answers field.

        1. In the Name field, search for the name of an existing answer.
        2. Click Find to display the list of available answers.
        3. Click the desired answered and click Select.

    5. In the Possible Answers record, select the Answer Required option, if desired. See About the Answer Required Options.
    6. If you want to create another Possible Answers record, click OK and New and return to the top of this step. Otherwise, click OK.
    7. In the Related Records panel, click Save.
  10. If you want to add answer logic to an answer in this question, perform the following steps:

    1. In the Questions & Answer tab, click the question where you are adding answer logic and select the Check Answers option.

    2. Click Save.
    3. Select the drop-down list next to the question and select the desired answer.

    4. In the command toolbar, click the Insert Answer Logic button.

    5. For the Target Survey Question field, identify the next question in the survey if the user selects this answer.

      • If you want to link to an existing question in your survey, perform the following steps:

        1. In the Name field, search for the name of an existing question.
        2. Click Find to display the list of questions available in your survey.
        3. Click the desired question and click Select.

          When adding an existing question as the target question, you can only select questions that are after the question for this answer in the survey structure.

      • If you want to link to an existing question not in your survey, perform the following steps:

        1. Click the Add New button.

        2. In the Survey field, identify the name of this survey.

        3. Click Find to display the list of questions available in your survey.
        4. Click the desired question and click OK.

      • If you want to add a new question, perform the following steps:

        1. Click the Add New button.

        2. In the Survey field, identify the name of this survey.

        3. In the Question field, click the Add New button, which opens a new Question record.

        4. Enter question and answer information for the target question, as described in steps 7 through 9.
        5. Select any options as needed.
        6. Click the Save + Close button.

    6. Click OK to save the answer logic for this question.

    7. If you want to create additional answer logic paths for this question, repeat the above steps. 

      See Using Answer Logic in Surveys for more information.

  11. To add additional questions to this survey, you can repeat steps 7 through 10 for each question.

    • If you want to reorder the questions, you can drag and drop the questions within the Survey Structure Panel for the Questions & Answers tab.

      When you save these questions (repeating step 8), click the Save button instead

  12. The survey is finished when you have completed adding your questions and answers, and the structure of your survey is correct.


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