Formatting Chart View Display
Formatting Chart View Display
Follow these steps to configure the appearance of the chart's axes and legend.
- Click the Display tab.
To display a legend on the chart, select the Show Legend option.
Note Concerning Pie Charts
If a legend is not configured for a pie chart, each pie chart item is shown with both a percentage and a data label. If a legend is configured, only the percentage is shown.
- If you enabled the legend, select a position for the legend on the chart: Left, Right, Top, or Bottom.
- Configure the settings for the chart's X, Y and Z axes, as desired.
- Z-axis configuration is only applicable for 3D chart types.
- Pie Charts and the Doughnut Chart do not have axes so these options are grayed out if you have selected one of these chart types.
- For each axis, you can configure the following options:
- Show Axis: The X, Y, and Z axes show up automatically for all applicable chart types. Clear the applicable option to hide either or both axes.
- Show Major Gridlines: When selected, the chart displays a gridline for each value on the axis.
- Show Minor Gridlines: When selected, the chart displays intermediate gridlines between the value on the axis.
- In the Drill Down View field, specify a list view, if desired.
- When you click an area of the chart, the system displays a drill down list view of the records that comprise the selected area.
- By default, Aptify uses the standard list view format to display drill-down results. However, you can specify an existing list view as the Drill Down View to display drill-down results with the formatting defined in that existing view.
- For best results, do not specify a list view that filters on the same fields that group or filter the chart view. If you specify a list view that has overlapping filters with the chart view, the drill down view may not display the complete set of records.
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