About the Visual Designer View Container
This component adds an existing view to the form. It supports three view types (List, Chart, and Calendar), but is best suited for Charts and Calendars. You can add the view either to an existing tab or you can add a blank tab first and then add the view to the blank tab. The example shown aboive illustrates a view that has been added to a form.
In general, you should use the View Container component if you want to add an existing Chart or Calendar view to a form. For List views, use the Entity List View component (see Configuring the Entity List View Component). If you decide to use the View Container with a List View, keep in mind that you can only specify an existing view (the View Container does not support views defined by a SQL statement). The View Container component uses the following input properties:
- Caption: The caption for a list view. Note that the property is not applicable for Chart and Calendar views (i.e., the value you specify does not appear on the form).
- Entity (required): The name of the entity whose records will be displayed in the view.
- View Type (required): The View Container only supports existing views. You cannot specify your own SQL statement. Therefore, View Type must be set to View ID.
- NewRecordParameterString: This parameter is only applicable for List views. An administrator can configure this property to automatically populate fields in new records opened from within the list view. The format for passing new default values is as follows:
- PARAMS(FieldName1=Value1|FieldName2=Value2|FieldName3=Value3...)
- For example, to pass in the ID from the current record into the SampleServiceID for a new record in the related entity, you would enter -PARAMS(SampleServiceID=<%ID%>) as this property's Source.
- Note that the FieldName corresponds to fields in the entity whose records appear in the view. To specify multiple fields, separate the field/value statements with a vertical bar.
- If you want to pass in values from the current record, enclose the current record's field name with greater than/less than symbols and percentage signs.
- For example, if the related entity whose records are displayed in the view has a SampleServiceID field, the following string passes in the Sample Services record's ID when you open a new record from the view on the Sample Services form: PARAMS(SampleServiceID=<%ID%>)
- For example, if the related entity whose records are displayed in the view has a SampleServiceID field, the following string passes in the Sample Services record's ID when you open a new record from the view on the Sample Services form: PARAMS(SampleServiceID=<%ID%>)
- SQL: Leave this parameter blank. The View Container component does not support the placement of temporary views on a form.
- ViewID: Enter the ID of the view that will be placed on the form. Although not displayed in red, this field is required to successfully place a view on a form.
- FilterSQL: This parameter is only applicable for List views. You can use this property to filter the results of the view to display a sub-set of the records. The string that you enter for this property is appended as a WHERE clause to the selected view's SQL statement. Typically, you will use this property to display only the records in the related entity that are linked to the current record. See Configuring the Entity List View Component for more information on this property.
- LabelCaptionCultureString: This string specifies the culture string used to localize the label. For this input property, specify the base string for the applicable Culture String record. See Working with Culture Strings for more details.
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