About the Survey Participants Form

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About the Survey Participants Form

This form contains information about web users that have taken a particular survey.

Survey Participants Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Survey Participants record.

General Tab

Person ID (required)

The name and company name of the person who has taken the survey. This field links to the user's corresponding Persons record. If the user's identity is unknown (in other words, if the user did not log into the Web site before taking the survey), the Person ID is set to -1.

Survey (required)

The name of the survey taken by the user. This field links to the corresponding Surveys record.

Date Created

The date and time at which the user began the survey.

Date Updated

The date and time at which the user last made a change to saved survey responses. If Is Complete option is selected, this field specifies the date and time at which the user finished the survey.

Survey Result

The ID of the Survey Results record in which the user's survey responses are stored. This field is blank or -1 if the survey's Tracking Type is set to Anonymous. The system records that the Person took the survey but does not link this record to the Person's survey responses.

Is Complete

When this option is selected, it indicates that the user has finished taking the survey.

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