Linking the Wizard to a Help File

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Linking the Wizard to a Help File

If applicable, you can link the wizard to a Microsoft CHM file that users can access while running the wizard.

To add online help for new wizard, an organization needs to complete these steps:

  1. Write help documentation for the application and compile it into a Microsoft HTML (CHM) file.
  2. Add the CHM file to the Object Repository.
  3. Open the Wizards record and click the Help tab.
  4. Select the Show Help option.
    • When selected, a Help button appears in the button bar along the bottom of the wizard. If a user clicks this button, the system opens the Help file specified in the Help Object field at the location specified by the Help URL field.
  5. Specify the Object Repository location of the CHM file in the Help Object field.
  6. Specify the name of the HTML page (included within the CHM file) that contains information about the specified wizard in the Help URL field.

    Wizard's Help Tab
  7. Save the Wizards record.

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