About the AP Import Runs Form

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About the AP Import Runs Form

The Accounts Payable (AP) Import wizard automatically creates AP Import Runs record to store information about data imported into Aptify from an organization's Accounts Payable system. See Running the AP Import Wizard for details.

AP Import Runs Record

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the AP Import Runs record.

Comments Tab

This tab stores any additional information concerning the data import.

General Tab

AP System

Specifies the Accounts Payable system from which the import data was obtained. For example, if an organization uses Microsoft Great Plains as its Accounts Payable system, a user would select the Great Plains A/P System option when importing data into Aptify. (This assumes that Aptify has more than one active AP System. If only one AP System exists in Aptify, then the wizard uses that AP System without prompting the user to select one.) The wizard then assumes that the import file format matches the format used by Microsoft Great Plains when importing data into Aptify. This field links to a record in the AP Systems service.

Date Imported

This field displays the date and time when the data was imported into Aptify.


This field reports the status of the import operation. The available options are In-Progress, Completed, Completed with Exceptions, and Failed.

File Imported From

The name and location of the file whose data the wizard imported into Aptify.

For the Great Plains A/P System, the import file has the following format (with values separated by commas): AP Transaction Sources ID_TransactionID, Check Date, Check #, Name of Payee, GP Vendor ID, Company ID, Person ID.

Total # Records

The number of records updated during this import run.

Total Amount

The total amount processed in this import run.

AP Transaction Source

The transaction source in Aptify where the data will be imported.

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