About the Attachment Categories Form

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About the Attachment Categories Form

Attachment Categories provide a method to create categories for record attachments. Attachments and categories can be added to any record through the record's Attachments Tab. Categories can be global (applies to all entities) or entity specific based on the configuration. In addition, users and administrators can secure an attachment category so that the category and its attachments are not available to unauthorized users.

Attachment Categories Form

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Attachment Categories record.

Entities Tab

The entities tab displays a list of all entities whose forms display this category on the Attachments tab. This tab is only applicable if Scope is set to Entity.

General Tab

Name (Required)

The name of the Attachment Category.


A description of the Attachment Category.


If the Attachment Category is a subsidiary of another Attachment Category, specify the parent Attachment Category in this field.

Track Versions (Required)

This field is reserved for future use.

Scope (Required)

Attachment Categories can be applicable throughout Aptify or be specific to an entity. Select Global from the drop-down to apply the Attachment Category to all entities or select Entity for the Attachment Category to be applicable to a specific set of entities. If you select the Entity option, specify the Entities on the Entities tab.

Group Permissions Tab

The Group Permissions Tab contains a list of all Attachments Categories Group Permissions records, which define the groups granted permission to access this attachment category. If both the User Permissions and Group Permissions tabs are blank, then the corresponding entity's attachment security settings apply. See Attachment Security for more information.

User Permissions Tab

The User Permissions tab contains a list of all Attachments Categories User Permissions records, which define the users who can access this attachment category. If both the User Permissions and Group Permissions tabs are blank, then the corresponding entity's attachment security settings apply. See Attachment Security for more information.

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