About the Import Run Details Form
Each Import Run Details record corresponds to one row of data that the Generic Import Wizard imported from a specified file.
Attachments Tab
The Attachments tab lists any files relevant to the Import Runs record.
Comments Tab
This tab stores any comments related to this details record. The system automatically adds information about any error that occurred during the matching or posting process to this tab.
General Tab
Import Run
The ID of the Import Run that created this record. This field links to the Import Runs service.
Row Number
The data's row number within the import source file.
Display Data
The column values that are displayed for this row in the Import Run's Import Run Details tab. This corresponds to the Import Source Columns that have the Show In Display option is selected. Multiple column values are separated by dashes.
Row Data
This field displays all of the data imported from the row. Column values are separated by tabs.
The current status of this row. Options include:
- Imported: The Generic Import wizard has imported the row from the source file.
- Unmatched: The user has run the matching process for the Import Runs record but the system did not find a match for this row.
- Absolute: The user has run the matching process for the Import Runs record, and the system has found an absolute match for this row. See the Match Record field or the Import Run Detail Match Records tab to see the existing record that the system identified as a match.
- Partial: The user has run the matching process for the Import Runs record, and the system has found an absolute match for this row. See the Import Run Detail Match Records tab for the possible matches the system identified.
- Posted: The user has run the posting process, and the row has either been matched to an existing record or a new record has been created.
- Import Failure: The row failed to import successfully from the source file. See the Comments tab for error information.
- Match Failure: An error occurred during the matching process for this row. See the Comments tab for error information.
- Post Failure: An error occurred during the posting process for this row. See the Comments tab for error information.
In general, the system automatically changes the status, as necessary. However, in some circumstances (such as after resolving a Post Failure), you may need to change this field's value manually.
Match Record
The record in the mapping entity that corresponds to this imported row. This record can be either an existing record that was identified during the matching process or a new record that was created for this row during the posting process.
Import Run Detail Columns Tab
This tab displays the sub-type records that store information about each value imported from the source file for this row. See About the Import Run Detail Columns Form for more information.
Import Run Detail Match Records Tab
This tab displays the sub-type records that correspond to the list of existing records that the system has identified as an absolute or potential match for this row of imported data. See About the Import Run Detail Match Records Form for more information.